Saturday 17 June 2017


  1. Conversational art is the ability to communicate information accurately clearly and effectively .It helps in all aspects of your life from professionalism to social gathering and every field in between. Oral conversation helps you to achieve your targets in life. The ability to communicate with others is the life line of all human endeavours. Once words have been released they can never be recalled and the art of conversation is one with which every one should be greatly concerned. Speaking is not effective unless it accomplishes the purpose which the speaker has selected as his/her goal. Where ever, when ever you go you are involved with people and nothing can be achieved without communicating with them. Magic doors continually open for those who have learned how to express themselves
  2. To succeed in effective conversation which is essential to any worthwhile endeavour is the desire amounting to enthusiasm, persistence to wear away mountains and the self-assurance to belief that we will succeed. The greatest book or poem has not been written. The greatest painting has not been painted. And you have not delivered your best speech. It means there is always a scope for improvement.
  3. KV WEDDING CONSULTANTS encourages you to attain it to be a unique wedding specialist.
  4. Your success as a CERTIFIED WEDDING SPECIALIST depends upon your ability to communicate with your clients who seek your service, as it is through communication that you sell your self and your services .Your communicative ability enhances your reputation. With this you give a lot of information, easy-to-follow directions to the wedding party to get rid of tenseness .The more you are polite and effective in conversation with the wedding family the more comfortable they feel resulting a nice reputation you earn in your professional field. As your reputation grows you are asked to speak to groups of people on this wedding subject. At this junction you are to create humour by adding your personal experience of some wedding events to make your speech interesting in Public interaction
  5. Conversation with public is very important if you want to attain dizzy heights in profession/business carrier. To be a nice Speaker you may join some debating society. For motivation you should select some role model as George Bernard Shaw of London who was very timid in his early days of life but by regular practicing in closed door rooms and joining in debating clubs became one of  the most confident and brilliant speakers of the first half of twentieth century. It means one may achieve any goal with strong determination
  6. Actually you are to decide whether you want to be unique or one of the crowd person. The way you feel and think about things surrounding you makes you different from others. Unique persons put the beauty in rose they admire .others don’t notice that rose.  Your thought as a wedding specialist should be different from the way any one else thinks about the same thing. Sooner or later the way you feel about, anything, reveals itself to those around you. The thoughts which you convey to others depend upon your ATTITUDE which further depend upon several factors as
  8. Such knowledge is absolutely essential for you to speak with confidence and without fear of exposing your self as an unqualified speaker, whether it is a platform or one to one basis. You should talk from heart, not from a book. Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of the listeners. Having courage to speak does not depend on what is happening outside you but what is happening inside you. Only thoughts can give you courage or fear. So you should possess positive thoughts to attain courage. Mainly knowledge comes from experience as well as from material related to the subject. Actually reading a book can give you information you need to execute a wedding but after executing it you get more confidence to deliver a speech on the subject before a group or before an individual. Translating the written material in to actual experience is the secret to possess full knowledge that gives you the power to speak confidently on the subject
  10.  A knowledge of your audience is quite important because knowing something about them gives you information concerning the degree of interest which you may expect from them. It is not possible to have pre-knowledge if audience is limited to one or two persons. It should be in groups only. Where this knowledge does not exist your audience soon reveals to you a great deal about themselves by their questions and their degree of interest in what you have to say. “WHAT YOU DO” should be compared to “WHAT YOU CAN DO”. It is just like comparing the waves on the top of the ocean with the mighty depth of the ocean.
  12. It should not be a written speech delivered word by word. An organized presentation is a list of subjects to be included, and the continuity with which they are to be presented. Each idea should lead naturally in to the next idea. The material for your outline should be drawn from experience and knowledge of the subject. You should have all your material, both notes and supplies to be used, prepared and ready well in advance so there may be no nervousness resulting from last minute preparation
  13. Visual aids can greatly enhance or detract from a presentation. Visual aids cause your presentation to appeal to the eyes as well as ears. Psychologists say we remember 20% of every thing we hear, 40 % of what we see and 80% of both we see and hear.
  16.   This old standard is good for small groups. It has three advantages 
  17.  A    It is highly flexible   
  18.  B    It is quick and easy to use  
  19. C   You can find it almost anywhere you speak. It is not sophisticated compared to gadgetry. Most of you have in our own living rooms. You should remember to keep it clean and well erased. Also you should write in large block letters visible throughout the room.
  20. 2 FLIP CHART
  21. It is a common aid found in most of the hotels and stationary stores. Its advantages are the same as of black board but it’s easy to use. It is available in various colours. You can add variety of massages in black, red and blue etc. Another advantage is you can write massage in advance which you can reveal at appropriate times its disadvantage is its limited visibility in front of a large audience. It can be more effective if you limit the massage on each page to a few words: the. Sheet should be flipped when over. You are to let the marker lie open too long (to prevent it from drying out)
  23. This is the latest technique and can be produced by many software packages available for use with your computer. The big advantage is that you can reach to large audience. You should talk to audience in accordance with the concerned slides. It means when a video is presented you should know what you are to say before and after the film so it ties in with your overall message. You should tape the cord to the floor that no one can trip over it
  25. A Complete knowledge of the subject as well as of the audience with all other essential factors may not produce nice results if one element of carelessness in speech is there. In speaking of contractions, you do not make reference to those which are approved, but rather to those individual expressions that are not approved. One common defect is grammatical mistakes which are to be removed by purchasing a good grammar book or borrow from a public library for correcting mistakes. We realize that a great many of our students do not have a problem of this nature. On the other hand, we must include this information for the benefit of those who may have permitted their speech defects to become part of their regular vocal expression.
  27. It is such an important quality that one can literally say that it represents one of the cornerstones of “CHARACTER”. The people who don’t understand the importance of sincerity, and do not practice it all the times, have not advanced to a mature development, and their sense of responsibility is sure to be lacking. Practicing sincerity in all things is a mark of maturity and places an added value on the individual.
  28. Sincere people say only what they feel is accurate to the best of their knowledge. They are not prone to pretty thoughts or deeds much solid, useful, constructive and dependable citizens. The quality of sincerity covers every thing they do, and the lack of sincerity colours in a negative way every thing they do. You should say only what you know to be factual. Dramatizing a fact is not at all a departure from sincerity, but illustrates and makes any subject more attractive to the audience. You should believe in what you say and need not fear any repercussions due to this.
  30. 1 You should analyse your own speech habits. You are to be conscious of what and how you are saying it at all times
  31. 2 You should be conscious of the expressions of the people with whom you have come in contact. You are to analyse their English also. You are to concentrate on the defects and should be alert for the thoughts particularly well expressed
  32. 3 You should check your Pronunciation of the frequently mispronounced words which you have listed previously. Also you should think of other words that might be mispronounced and check your pronunciation of them also.
  33. 4 You should make a list of every word you have mispronounced .Each morning and evening you should repeat several times until you pronounce exactly. The only way one can break a bad habit is to create a good one. So by creating the habit of saying them correctly you can eliminate their improper use and there after always will be conscious of their proper Pronunciation
  34. 5 You should keep your talks, demonstrations and conversation in your own natural style. You should not copy some one else way of talking or writing. You should add some true stories of your own and people’s experience to make your speech interesting. You should search anecdotes to weave in to your talks. When you bring yout ideas, and not “my” opinion, your audience translates your word pictures in to realm of their experience
  35. 6 You should make an outline of a talk which you might deliver before a group of ladies, including anecdotes. Your outline should not be a complete speech. With this outline you are to deliver complete speech by your experience. You should select a subject relating to your work. A good example of a speech/ talk that captures your attention, making the audience laugh and may educate also.
  37. YOU the wedding specialist devote Your time to help Your client to save his/her time. You should have only one thing in mind to concentrate on the wishes of BRIDE AND GROOM. You should pay extraordinary attention to detail every thing ahead of time and leave no stone unturned so that wedding family may enjoy the wedding days in full swing. It should not be considered  your job only but  pleasure also to watch the details of the ceremony to run it smoothly. You are to prevent all little mishap as double booking of  venue, limo not reaching in time, missing of wedding bouquet  by florist by staying in touch with all your vendors. You are to  make it possible for any of them neither to forget the date, the time or the place. You are to design and note down each and every detail  from invitation system to departure ( budgeting, venue selection , placement of furniture, floral decoration, selection of menu and its placement theme wise, illumination )according to the wishes of the wedding family. You are  also to coordinate in purchase (wedding gown, train and veil) if the wedding family demands to enjoy Stress free ceremony
        vijay kumar verma


Thursday 15 June 2017


It is hard fact that we are all governed by some philosophy. There is no one without a philosophy of some kind, either recognized or unrecognized. Where it is unrecognized, it is more apt to be a negative, harmful philosophy than a positive and helpful one

Now we start with PHILOSOPHY OF SUCCESS. Success is not one time achievement. It is regular phenomena. Rather it is a journey till our last breathe. There are hundreds of scholars, salesmen, educators, businessmen, politicians, who quote their own philosophy of success.  It varies by trade, age or field. Actually there is no secret to success. It is the result of planning, hard work, and learning from failures in the past. Mostly it comes with the efforts of team work than alone whether it is office, home or  play ground. It is a bad teacher but attracts smart people to think that they can’t loose.

You are to develop a positive mental attitude for success. But healthy mind resides in healthy body. The day you are not healthy your mind does not concentrate on any subject. So you should spare some time daily for physical exercise as compulsory as breathing other wise sluggishness and dullness will be there in your body and mind. If you don’t have the will power to maintain your health then you must lack to maintain the positive attitude in other important subjects also that control your life

 It is the single most important principle of success controlled by you. A positive mind finds ways of doing things and negative finds ways for not doing things

 It is the base of success. It is the inner power that starts all action may be creation of opportunity, future development, and advancement. You should formulate a plan and execute on it to make it a success. Your most dangerous enemy is delaying things. The best motto should be DO IT NOW

 It has its base in sub consciousness and it is the medium through which you invent new ideas. Imagination is limited but creative vision has no limitation. Imagination becomes week with inaction but can be revived through regular use


It plays the vital role in the success. It is as important as gasoline for engine to accelerate. It is the state of mind which inspires action and is most infectious of all emotions. It is more powerful than logic, reason, in getting your ideas across and in winning over others to your view point. It stimulates your subconscious mind

It is the starting point of all achievements. Without fixing your target you can’t reach anywhere. Your mental attitude plays the lead role in achieving that target. If it is positive you are moving ahead, if negative you must be undermining your own efforts. You should formulate any dominating idea or plan held in your conscious mind and executed through your repeated efforts and emotionalized by your burning desire for its realization with your natural and logical means available

Team work wins. Mostly success is achieved with master mind alliance whether it is in business, home or in play ground but it should be between like minded persons. A group of innovative brains coordinated with support of harmony provides more thoughts and energy than a single brain. If the company is run by single owner then the boss should coordinate with subordinates in descent and friendly manner to yield nice results. She/he should fix independent and opportunity targets to his/her subordinates and admire their talent even before telling any mistake in feed back. He/She should neither be sweeter than sugar nor be bitter than quinine. He/She should listen properly then may give his/her views patiently

First impression is your appearance because it embraces everything you control (your mind, your body and your soul).  It is a natural gift by super power but dressing sense also boosts it.  The big organizations fix up the dress code of their executives to boost the image and ambience of their company. After that your humbleness, conversational skill, mental attitude, also decides your image. To be happy you are to make every person happy around you.

It is the state of mind which should be active. It comes when fear is gone.  It is the awareness of believing in and harmonizing the universal power.  So you are to close down the doors of fear. Only faith can not bring the positive results but shows the way to ourselves.

“The more you give the more you get” is the right approach whether you are in job, profession or business if you render more than you are paid for, Sooner or later you get compound interest on your investment or service rendered. Means if you are in the job you should come early before the arrival time and leave after the departure time to be in the good books of the employer.

 You are to inspire your team in a friendly way giving them targets. Every person requires money. So he/she works hard to achieve the target and improves his/her financial position. You should help them in solving their problems so that they may consider themselves a part of the organization and give their 100%.

Every person faces defeat some time. It should be considered stepping stone not stumbling block for success in future. You are fail actually when you accept it and stop trying .The persons are better who try and fail than who fail to try. Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting Electric lamp. Every failure carries with it the seed of Equivalent benefit which may prove blessing in disguise

 Inventory of time and money is to be made daily because any mistake can be corrected but not the wastage of time. Secret of getting any thing done is “DO IT NOW” because present moment is the best time for any work to be done because past is gone and future is not predictable. Time is too precious to be wasted in arguments and discontentment. So argument on any issue should   be avoided and use this time in some creativity.

It is the process that ties together all your efforts, your mind, your initiative, your positive mental attitude and your enthusiasm. It teaches us to think before act. If you don’t discipline your self then you will be governed by others. Without discipline you are as dangerous as a car without brakes

Thoughts possess the power which can be used wisely or unwisely. Accurate thinkers don’t allow any body to think for them. It involves two fundamentals 1 Facts 2 Information. Again facts are classified in to two
 A  Important
 B  Unimportant
 Successful persons are masters of their emotions. They don’t accept political, religious, or other factors regardless of its source unless carefully analyzed by themselves
16 One should not limit his/her horizon but to expand it. Belief in him/her self and the resources he/she has tapped is one of the most important bricks in the success of that venture
vijay kumar verma 
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